A Blog Carnival Primer and A Gonzo Blog Carnival Series
Blog Carnivals are a proven successful way to gain exposure for a larger number of blogs at one time. Not only that, you have the chance to meet other bloggers, to gain some great new link exchanges and to boost your Page Rank.
In the simplest terms, here's how it works...
A theme is established and a blog is selected to serve as the host of the carnival.
The host asks readers to submit relevant posts and compiles a list of entries from all the bloggers who submit one. Once the submission deadline expires, the host blogger creates one big post for everyone to read! It is published in the host blog on the scheduled date of the carnival.
The host and all those who participate benefit from the carnival. Everyone who submits a post will be stopping by to read. Links to the host blog and to the carnival pop up here and there. That brings attention to everyone who participates...especially as comments are written and links are exchanged.
The "cost" of hosting, of course, is the amount of work involved to compile all the links into a readable post. There's no one way to put the post together; the host can creatively weave the post in any number of ways.

The Gonzo Blog Carnival Series is in its infancy, having launched in mid-January.
The newest Gonzo Blog Carnival is being hosted by Religion, Politics and The Great Pumpkin on April 26th. It's again a FREE FOR ALL; you can pick a post on any subject and submit it. {Carnival details}
Along with the traditional banner, this time I'm also offering my jacksonpollock.org creations. If you'd like one, send me an email. Here's an example...
Check out the Gonzo Blog Carnivals we've had so far.
Our first was a non-event. Most blogs listed in the Blog Shares game we came to learn are not put into play by their owners and are not actively traded. Blog Shares players are more gamers than bloggers. So it went.

As bad as the first one was, though, the second was a success! We teamed up with Blog Village for a Family Carnival.

Next came the first Gonzo FREE FOR ALL! It was another hit.

Yes, on the same day we had the Gonzo Poetry Slam and the Gonzo Photography Carnival! Two excellent installments in the series.
Looking at contributors and visitors coming from far and wide, what better we thought than inviting the world to a carnival.

To conclude this post...
A hearty THANK YOU to all those who have hosted thus far, in reverse order, LJP at ...Save.Save.Save..., Sara at Poets Who Blog, James Jordan at Points of Light and Dirty Butter at Blog Village Community News.
A Gonzo Blog Carnival is a project of A Strategic Alliance and is sponsored by For Your Success -Resources For Life.
You have been a busy little boy, haven't you, Kilroy!!!
Thanks for introducing me to this neat blogging activity, and good luck with all your future carnivals.
Hey Kils, just wanted to let you know I booted out (finally) two old comments that you had wanted denied from way back. So if you see them, don't think I put you on the "bad" list.
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