---(-)-> Mail has been flowing in and out related to the blogosphere's only progressive dinner carnival, Soup To Nuts...

I'd like to thank all the blogospherians {a Kilroy_60 original} who have published posts to promote the carnival...
- The Lives and Times...
- For Your Success
- Telling It Like It Is
- The Soul And The Witness
- Scholars And Rogues
- Jon Swift
- West Of Mars -- The Meet And Greet
- Diary Of A Second Life Courtesan
- Monica Hamburg - Your Dose Of Lunacy
- Musings Of A Manic Mom
- Undercover Black Man
- My Simple Trading System
- Chew The Blogosphere
- Poetic Leanings
- Creating A Better Life {Working from the inside out}
- Black-eyed Susan's
- Ali Gator {Miscellaneous Meanderings on the Middle East}
Thanks for your comment at The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...which also serves as a reminder I need to update.
---(-)-> Leanderthal, I've got your link plugged in the sidebar to A Voice Crying In The Wilderness. I'm looking for your submission(s) to the progressive dinner.
---(-)-> I have your link to Boating In Beautiful British Columbia plugged in here, Heather. We're going to more or less redo A Photographer's Eye soon...will be sure to plug in your link.
---(-)-> Matt, Your link, to MySavePC.net, is also plugged in here. I'll be updating The Good, The Bad and The Ugly soon. I got one more submission through blogcarnival.com; should I look for the other three or are you finished?
---(-)-> Soham, We're good to go... The second progressive dinner will run on Wednesday, 30 April; we'll take submissions from 30 January through 26 April. You'll host the hors d'oeuvres & cocktails course at The Soul And The Witness.
---(-)-> I never submit to blogcarnival.com listings unless there's a date listed for the next edition of a carnival.
There was a period - between the posting of the Villagers go...GONZO! Carnival and the announcement of the Gonzo Gratitude! Carnival {What are you thankful for?} - when I received a few entries for what amounts of a gonzo carnival that doesn't exist.
It seems the perfect time to remedy the situation....
Photograph by Kilroy_60
Welcome to The Gonzo Carnival of Unexpected Opportunity...
- Tamsyn points to helicopter parents as a root cause of some current problems. {Damn them!}
- The Sporadical offers a most interesting take on political coverage.
- How long was it before your New Year Resolutions crashed and burned? Joshua Seth tells you why.
- The male voice, Glowing Face Man says, equates to power in gender relations.
- Mitch McDonald offers practical advice, how to save money on toner.
---(-)-> Dr. DeJesus, I received your entries both for the progressive dinner and my first Gonzo Blog Carnival of 2008 Gonzo GRATITUDE! {What are you thankful for?}. Thanks for adding Physician Entrepreneur...
---(-)-> Sank, I'm not sure how it happened, but I missed a link at your site to The Gonzo Papers. I've added a link to Old And In The Way.
---(-)-> WriterWoman, I've posted a link to The Shores Of My Dreams. I hadn't been aware of that link until I surfed Technorati.
---(-)-> Lin, I got your link to Telling It Like It Is plugged in. I've been plugging away on messages, trying to handle current ones expediently while working through the backlog. I'm at 372 in my Inbox, eh.
---(-)-> Nicole, great to have you joining in the second progressive dinner carnival. You'll be hosting the appetizer course at Musings Of A Manic Mom.
---(-)-> Warren, I look forward to reading your follow-up to the post I commented on, 22 Benefits Of Owning A Business (And Why You Should Do It). If you think of it drop a line my way when you publish it.
---(-)-> An excerpt from email I wrote to Tony Iovino at A Red Mind In A Blue State:
It's people like us, I think, on which the country must depend to fix what ills us.
My position is not that W. stole the election from Gore, when he was out voted, but simply that the system fucked up. As for Kerry, he was a bumbling fool and the country was in a stupor from the massacre in the desert. But, fuck all that.
What we need, you and me and all the others, is to MAKE AMERICA PURPLE.
I laughed when I saw you have a section of links to blogospherians {a Kilroy_60 original} that have political views with which you do not agree - saying, "visit at your own risk". At least I believe it was your proviso; It may have been the fat, tight joint of BC bud, spiced with opium, rolled by my undocumented Costa Rican maid's lesbian lover. But fuck all that all too.
If you read my post, referenced above, you'll see that your willingness to provide those links, even with a user's warning, knowing how well that's worked for cigarettes, is a step toward becoming purple. I do the same, linking to those I wish, regardless of whether or not I think the person's political view comes from a lack of oxygen due to having their head up their ass for the past 8+ years.
What do you say we open a dialogue, take a step to show the politicos that cooperation can be found and mutual benefit be had if two decide that is what they want to do? I propose a link exchange. What do you say?
---(-)-> Isabella, I'm sorry promotion for the writing projects you're working on won't fit in the progressive dinner. There are a myriad of projects the hosts, including me, are working on and it would clutter things.
I'm happy to point people to your promotion of the Social Media Megaproject including posts on LinkedIn and Twitter.
---(-)-> Hueina, Thanks for doing my first interview as a Blog Village, Featured Member. I appreciate the chance to talk about your site, Intensive Care For The Nurturer's Soul
---(-)-> Dana, What a pleasure it will be to have you host a carnival with me again. To confirm for the second progressive dinner blog carnival, you'll be hosting the main course at Simple Pleasures.
Thanks Kilroy.
I'm thinking about the dinner.
Thank you so much!
Actually The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is one of my favorite blogs- love the pictures you come across!
As always, you have had another successful carnival! Sounded like a neat idea. I think I only participated in one ...I just can't do all what regular people can do with blogging. All this activity makes MY head spin but it surely makes you thrive! Cool!
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