SOUP TO NUTS is the only progressive dinner carnival in the blogosphere. One carnival, presented in six parts. I'd like to thank my five co-hosts who have diligently worked over the past six weeks to put this event together.
We're proud to have collected a large number of great posts from a wide variety of blogospherians. Blogs from around the globe are represented, the new and the well established. We ask that you visit all five courses of the dinner; some blogs have posts in more than one course, others appear only once.
You can benefit from visiting the carnival by checking out the blogs represented and writing comments. That will lead to you getting new visitors, to increasing your traffic, to receiving more comments and to having invitations to exchange links.
Truly, the best thing about this is there's a benefit however you choose to participate, whether you contribute posts or you visit the carnival.
Once you've finished enjoying the hors d'oeuvres & cocktails course here, the dinner continues at the following locations...
- Isabella is serving appetizers at Change Therapy...
- The first course is being served by Sara at Fallen Words
- At Chatting To My Generation, Anja is serving the main course
- JM is serving dessert at Fiction Scribe
- A Drinks After Dinner Reception is hosted by Anthony at The Lives and Times...

To start things off, a round of shots for everyone! {How to make the most of it} That should be good for a few laughs to kick things off!
Does it ever seem like you're trying to make time out of thin air? Or is it only me?
Navigating the pathway of life, you never know what peril you may encounter; they come in the most unlikely places. The most important thing about that journey, to me, is keeping in mind the trail you leave behind.
Is it a sign of the times that there's a question of integrity in society? One thing there's no question about; It's important to work hard, more to work smart.
If driving traffic is your game, here's a download to help with webpage optimization. A, similar, numbers game that can he difficult to interpret winning and losing is online advertising. There's nothing better, in my mind, that to be generous in blogrolling; what you give comes back to you multiple times over.
There are games writers play; it's all about telling a good story.
You can't analyze what a winning campaign strategy is until the votes are counted. That could keep John McCain dancing.

Not surprising, is it?, that losing weight is one of the most popular New Years Resolutions. An interesting strategy, some people succeed by making it a game.
Another popular resolution is getting a new job; which may require learning new skills. What sort of resolutions do you think your PC would make?
There are many good reasons to exercise...but there are obstacles to overcome as well. Best, of course, get a healthy eating habit going with kids.
When snacking it's best to go for higher energy...and there are different ways to get it.

What makes music such a powerful force? The ability to touch you. But, did you ever hear something on the radio that made you scratch your head? These pick up lines may leave you scratching your head, but they won't get you a date in Second Life.
Note to actors: comments like this don't put asses in the seats. One a similar note, advertisers should use these casting blunders as a guide for what not to do. Remember, when the truth comes out, what you truly are, the results can be painful.
It takes a sharp eye to shop safely; possibly more when you look at a possible business venture. A point and click purchase can be safe, and increase health awareness
A challenge, and there are so many in high school, can be deciding what color your hair should be. Yes, it's true. Important to remember, appearance can mean so much. You don't want it to look like you've lost your balls!

That wraps up this course of the Soup to Nuts Progressive Dinner Blog Carnival. Drop a line or three in my comments, please, and let me know what you think.
I'd like to invite you to visit the other hosts. Do make the most of this unique opportunity to meet new blogospherians and to visit with old friends...
- Isabella is serving appetizers at Change Therapy...
- The first course is being served by Sara at Fallen Words
- At Chatting To My Generation, Anja is serving the main course
- JM is serving dessert at Fiction Scribe
- A Drinks After Dinner Reception is hosted by Anthony at The Lives and Times...
- You're invited back here, on February 15th, for the Gonzo Gratitude! Carnival {What are you thankful for?}
- JM is hosting the Scribes Carnival, on February 4th, at Fiction Scribe
- Anthony is hosting the Surfer's Paradise Hullabaloo! Carnival at The Lives and Times... on February 18th
- Anja has two carnivals coming up at Anja Merret - Chatting To My Generation; the Observations of Life Carnival on February 17th and on February 23rd, the Personal Power Carnival
- At Change Therapy, Isabella is hosting three carnivals in February. The Buddhist Carnival runs February 15th; the Carnival of Eating Disorders runs February 22nd; Canada 9-5 {a showcase for Canadian Business Blogs} runs February 28th.
Very creative approach, thanks!@ Some great reading here...
I look forward to reading all these posts...what a great job you did! I also gave you a Blogging Award today on Blog-Blond and mentioned your dinner party Carnival. :-)
a great first course! and a great idea for a blog carnival. maybe for future carnivals, you could use the original titles of the posts. i found it a bit confusing to figure out what each post is actually about. love the photos as well!
John, Good to have you at the carnival; thanks for playing along. I agree, we received a lot of great posts!
Kuanyin, It's always great to have you visit me. Pleased to know you enjoyed. Thanks much for the plug. The award is, what we call in the business, a BONUS!
Simple, This is a special event. The idea is to have you visit other sites, to meet other bloggers. What good is it to come and simply look for your contribution? It's all about adventure, eh.
Err, I am so sorry. I fully intended on sending 6 posts into the carnival but I didn't make the deadline. I am going to send in posts for the one in april though. I've really enjoyed what I've read here so far. What a great idea.
Steph an Dan, I hope you'll take some time to surf through the various courses and write comments on the posts that you like. That's a great way to benefit even though you didn't contribute a post of your own.
No need to wait, you can send your entries along now.
What a clever idea, and you so much for including my post in your soup to nuts carnival! (not bad starting off the first round of drinks) Can't wait to check out the other posts.
Super, creative post, Kilroy...I'll be joining in once again, as soon as time becomes available. I will also read through each entry; it's great there are so many!
Clever way to link the posts together. I'm sure that took some imagination. Thanks for your encouragement.
Here's big fat vote for Fear and Loathing.
Good stuff, looking forward to flipping through everything! :D
Thanks for organzing this whole thing.
Great job!
What fun! I loved being part of appetizers over at Isabellas. It will take away to sample all the food and talk to all the dinner party guests.
Janet Riehl
kilroy, thanks so much for organizing this. a thought just came to mind: this is something we'll all be able to look back on with great pride!
Michael, I Stumbled this:
Thanks so much for putting this carnival together. I enjoyed the blogs and their diversity - a little something for everybody. Thank you also for including my post as well (from Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom blog). This is fun. Looking forward to next month.
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