I'm looking for five hosts to put together the third edition of Soup To Nuts, the blogosphere's only progressive dinner blog carnival, to run 31 July, 2008.
Entries for Soup To Nuts "3" will be accepted from 1 May through 25 July.
Entrusting someone to host your carnival is a delicate matter; that is most likely why the majority of carnivals appear at the blog, or blogs, of the owner without getting others involved.
Soup To Nuts involves some unique challenges in that it essentially involves organizing six carnivals to run at the same time and to connect them in such a way that there is cohesion to create one big carnival.
If you didn't participate in the original Soup To Nuts carnival you may want to have a look. That, I think, is the best way to understand how the carnival works.
I utilize blogcarnival.com to process entries for Soup To Nuts. {If you haven't submitted your entries for Soup To Nuts "2", running 30 April, you can do so now.}
Since carnivals are not typically announced three to four months in advance, and promoted until the event, there is a bit more work involved with hosting Soup To Nuts than other carnivals.
I look for a host to post an initial announcement, saying they are hosting a portion of the carnival at their site, then to do two or three promotional posts over the next three months.
Since all blogs gets their own organic traffic it's necessary for each host to promote the carnival independently, and in unison.
All entries for Soup To Nuts are delivered to my Inbox. When a person submits a post they designate which course they want that specific entry to appear in. A blogger can submit five posts from their blog, however many they have.
I then distribute the posts to the hosts of the individual courses. A host is expected to follow-up with the blogger to confirm receipt of their entry, and to copy me on the message. {There's a bit more to this that we don't need to discuss here}
Because I've had hosts, and participants, from around the world...we post all portions of the carnival so regardless where in the world you are it's up and running on the announced date. For example, it will be 30 April in Australia when it's still 29 April on the East Coast of the United States, when Soup To Nuts "2" runs. So, the carnival would be posted on the East Coast of the United States on 29 April.
There are certain things that are necessary for all the hosts to do when they put together the carnival; mainly to provide an easily accessible, and user friendly, navigation menu to move from one course of the dinner to the next.
I provide any assistance as needed, to the best of my ability, share ideas and give suggestions. It's up to the individual hosts, though, to create their portion of the carnival.
That, I believe, is a good overview of what is necessary to serve as one of the Soup To Nuts hosts. If you're interested in hosting email me at: kilroy60@gmail.com with the subject line Soup To Nuts Hosting.
Ola! Me Wangbu. Soy de las Filipinas. Usted tiene un hermoso blog. Estoy tan feliz de visitar.
Would love to host-
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