That email has come numerous times after each of the first two editions of Soup To Nuts, the blogosphere's only progressive dinner blog carnival.
You can continue to wait to send your entry for Soup To Nuts "3", and have one thing after another come up, sidetracking you until the deadline passes...or you can enter now.

Of all the carnivals out there, why is Soup To Nuts the one carnival you shouldn't miss? Because there is no other carnival that provides you as much exposure. It's that simple.

Every website, every blog, attracts its own organic traffic.
In Soup To Nuts, unlike other carnivals, you don't benefit just from the traffic that comes to one blog, you get visitors from five different host blogs.
People visiting the carnival can easily navigate from one host blog to another, just as in a progressive dinner where you go to a different house or restaurant for each course.

If you publish a post to promote Soup To Nuts, please, write a comment on that same post including the URL. All five host blogs will provide a link back to you.

Stories of a Traveling Diva serving Hors d'oeuvres, Group Writing Projects serving Appetizers, Herbal Connection serving the First Course and Blog N' Butter serving Dessert.
I don't expect there to be a Drinks After Dinner Reception this time...which means once the deadline passes, submissions will not be accepted for inclusion. {Enter now}
When a sixth course was added, to accept entries right up to the day before, people still wrote later saying how they meant to send an entry, but didn't.
Please remember, to truly benefit from any carnival you need to do more than submit an entry. It's necessary to visit the carnival, check out other blogs and write comments. That's where your big payoff comes.

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