Something I find fun about blogging is how you're able to touch people around the globe. That makes a world map of visitors the most interesting Site Meter feature to me. It satisfies my curiosity about the locations from which people visit.
The number of people only attracts my attention because the first thing you see when logging in to Site Meter is a summary.
I'm well aware that while some visitors come purposefully others are misguided and some fall down a rabbit hole and land to find their virtual fate momentarily twisted.
All are welcome, of course, regardless of the route taken. What you'll find isn't something that can ever be predicted so keep the proviso in mind that's included in the header.
It's been almost 22 months since I installed Site Meter; this morning my counter rang up visit number 35,000. That visitor came from San Diego, California.
One proven way to attract visitors to your blog is by writing comments. I invite you to get in on the fun. Write a comment and include a link as an invitation to your little corner of the blogosphere.
Traffic is a funny thing. It's difficult to know what drives people to (or from) a site.
It looks like you got pretty healthy numbers - congrats!
George @
It is interesting to see where people come from. Being that I write a travel blog, I like to see the same thing in my stats.
I have often wondered how stumblers knew how many visitors they had. Now I see it is through a site meter. This is a very interesting post. Thanks
I would love for someone to tell me now to go play in traffic. Would I ever! I am blessed to have met many people through the Internet that have touched my heart. I have met some whose casual comments have blossomed into a real friendship and I am very grateful. You never know what will happen as you ride the wild waves in Cyber space. Thank you for the opportunity Kilroy!
I know exactly what you mean Kilroy!
I love looking at our maps of traffic and visitors...
As an aside, I mailed our first Monthly Home Business Class at Financial Breakthrough 101 to Nunavut! Seriously! Too cool!
I love the blogosphere and the has changed the world as we know it!
Kimberly :)
The Blogosphere is an amazing place and it is surprising just how many friends one can make around the world. Global unity and friendship in cyberspace.
I have actually never heard of SiteMeter but, what a fabulous thing to have on your site.
Cool post! Definitely some solid traffic numbers.
I love tracking sites. They're almost as addictive as my latest venture into Facebook!
In the spirit of Neil Young, keep on rockin' in the free world!
Anthony McCune, The Lives and Times...
The mystery of visitors, whether to a blog or StumbleUpon or Twitter - it's fascinating to see who connects and who passes you by. Might be a common interest, or lack there of, or in my case it can also be the mood - how I'm feeling at the moment.
Over time we all build a strong community of folks who like to communicate, like what we say, and have something to offer.
Hey there Kilroy.
My apologies for not being here for a while, my SU bar is playing catch-up (must have some Dubya in it!).
It always amazes me where some traffic comes from. I use the Woopra Analytics tool and that tells me some interesting stories.
Blogs (and social media and networking) truly are international and where else could people from all continents interact so easily?
If you are looking for a link, then I guess I suggest a massive charity project I'm heading up in 2009, the 12for12k Challenge:
Come one, come all, and change the lives of millions for just $10.
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