"It's time to get authentic and get serious. Make your whole life radically congruent with what you believe." - Andrew Harvey
Photograph by Kilroy_60

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." - Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now
Blogus Interuptus...
Counting this one I have 9 posts in various stages of production. (Is that the way this is supposed to work? Likely not, but that's what makes it more of an adventure.) I've got notes written in my daily planner, website printouts and newspaper clippings to fill everything in. I'm planning on not writing any more posts that can't be done and completed "in the moment". In the meantime - between home life, work life and life as it comes uninterrupted, unplanned and unpredictable - I will get those marked "to be continued" done.
Re: Comments...
I have a jackass who comes now and then to post a snotty message because he doesn't like my attitude or my viewpoints and doesn't have the intellect to grasp Hunter S. Thompson. I delete this rubbish, but it's not because there's disagreement with me.; comments for or against are welcomed. Personal attacks from a lowlife who fancies himself important and believes he is talented...who tosses "anonymous" insults like a vandal passing in the night are not going to stand. If you have something to say have the balls to take responsibility. Otherwise, bend over, stick your head back up your ass and don't bother me. I take it that should be clear.
And to my friends and colleagues who choose to send email either because they disagree and do not wish to air their feelings publicly or do agree and don't want people to know....that's fine too.
A Passing Thought...
I don't believe it was curiosity that killed the cat. Those who are not inquisitive tend to take things at face value, accept what they are told and march in lock step. More likely the curious cat was splattered by the Thought Police driving a humvee.
Authentic and congruent.......of course this begins with an inward journey of which, we hope, has outward evidence.....yet we are, by nature, secretive creatures - don't you think?? or maybe there are just some of us who feel like Heinlen's "Stranger in a Strange Land"....
BTW - This is one of my all time fav photographs - do you sell copies? signed?
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