It has been my desire to complete transition from the old blogspot, complete "in progress" postings and maintain consistent updating.
Life, though, does not conform to plans. My plate has been overflowing with client requests, there have been personal matters which have required attention, TheSpecialOne sought...a healthy serving of pampering followed by a bit more and I chose to save drafts istead of publishing additional posts which would linger in the state of "To Be Continued..." which means this will be a busy week. The best place to start maybe to catch up on notes I made this past week. Although what I have to share may have to be done in a more abbreviated form than I originally planned...
Happy Freakin' Tuesday!
Hey, I'm just glad to see you aren't abandoning Fear and Loathing. I was worried for a while.
Well, hurry back because you are freaking me out with all this absense.
Work and The Special One certainly are a priority. Take your time!
I dearly hope you will use this one and post it next Monday....considering what my week has been like to date and looking toward the weekend ahead of me....this will be more than appropriate....:
"It's gonna be a long Monday,
Sittin' all alone on a mountain
By a river that has no end.
It's gonna be a long Monday,
Stuck like the tick of a clock
That's come unwound - again...
And again."
-John Prine
Long Monday
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