Relationships are complex. There can be a delicate balance involved. This is something that seemed to be examined from every possible, twisted angle over the years on the Seinfeld television show. In exploring the minutia of Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine's lives, there were no blogs. Yes, the blogosphere came too late for them to be involved.
Jerry surely would have been blogging; that's becoming standard fare for comics. Whether Kramerica would be online is a no brainer. George was too neurotic not to blog. As for Elaine, the question, I think, is how many blogs would she have had.
There would have been so many Seinfeld characters with bloggable lives. I can only imagine Kramer's attorney Jackie Chiles would have a blog that's...expressive, animated, dynamic, charismatic, bombastic, sonorous!! Given the six degrees of separation, might Jerry's former flames have gotten together for a scorching hot team blog?
This is where the screen goes wavey and fades to one of the characters working on their blog. Elaine setting up the digital camera for her weekly HNT shot maybe? That would likely make for the majority of one episode all on its own.
I use to love Seinfeld. I love how they could just take the simple things in life and make such a big deal out of it. That concept was remarkably ingenious!
Kilroy, I wanted to stop by and help you meet your target. Your observation on blogs and how they would have altered Seinfeld is an interesting one. I wonder if blogging is not one of those advances that will change the whole shape of the world as we know it.
Look at the revolution in everything after Gutenberg invented movable type. That invention only allowed a few to have their voices heard. Blogging allows anyone and everyone who wants to have their voice heard. How much difference will that make to the future? I don't know, but it will be interesting to watch.
LOL. I could totally see a Seinfeld episode about blogging. That show cracked me up. They could make the smallest thing funny.
aspiring romance writer
ok, I'm missing something. What is HNT?
I would love to read Krammer's blog. He was my favorite and still is. Lovable and funny and tall what more can a girl want?
I left you a comment on this post before, but it seems Blogger ate it. It is interesting to look back and realise how much blogging has changed the world.
Seinfeld covered ordinary life. The fact that it would be changed so much just by setting it today shows you some of the effects. Then there are the others; ordinary people have a slightly better chance of having their voices heard.
Then again, I love speculating on changes in life and society; it is another way of viewing history, which is one of the two subjects I personally wouldn't want to live without.
I could totally see Kramer having a blog. If Seinfeld was on today I am sure they would cover the subject of blogging and make us crack up at how they made fun of it.
With the luck these four have had with their post-Seinfeld projects, you might get some play with this idea.
I think Kramer would probably be the one most likely to participate in HNT. Just visualizing this is making me giggle.
We never got into Seinfeld, but it is surprising that some of these comedy shows haven't picked up on blogging as part of their plots. It certainly would be easy to make it funny.
I think Kramer would have had a blog like mine. Along with the Kramerica blog. Thanks for the HNT referral. That should make for some good posting.
Hmmm, never watch much tv - too much else to do. Though Blogs were a world away from my sphere of recognition, only a week or so ago (when my son threw me head-first into the fray), I had a vague awareness there was something going on here that was important. Yes, I think blogs will creep into everything. Like mobile phones have trickled into story-lines, and on-line dating (now there's an area which I think will be much more explored in the not too far future), Blogging has become a global way to communicate and express and 'stumble on' people and ideas that never crossed your path before.
Cool Pic. For some reason I think Boston when I see it.
Great post... coming from the carnival.
The Seinfeld characters would have totally had blogs! And I'd read them every day. :-)
Interesting! I could definitely see the Seinfeld characters blogging... would make for a funny episode, I think.
Heh...a blog about nothing, right?
Here from the postie carnival.
I missed a lot of Seinfeld, but my husband loves the show and still tries to catch it in re-runs.
The idea of them with blogs is interesting, maybe when they do their ten year reunion show?
Kramer, Newman, and George would have definitely had blogs. Jerry would have been too busy, and Elaine would have had profiles on eHarmony and Match.com.
Hahaah! I can totally see them blogging. And you are so right about Elaine. She totally would have been a member of HNT...lol
Yep! All of them are definitely the blogging type!
Wouldn't that have been a fun hand-in-hand with the show?
Cool thing to think about! Neat thoughts on the Seinfeld crew, and laughing at the Elaine/how many blogs thought!
That picture is beauuutiful. Very interesting about Seinfeld characters blogging. It would have been a hoot!
Oh, Kramer would definitely have a blog... it's not as though he wouldn't have time to post on it!
I can just see Elaine blogging. She's have a rant blog for sure.
Very cool post!
ROFL! I can totally see them all blogging away
Seinfeld on blogging, lmao very funny. I never really got into the show, I've watched reruns here and there just because it's better than things that have been on lately. I hated the finale episode. Yuck, just yuck.
They wouldn't blog. End of story.
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