To Enter: Click Comments and Write Your Suggested Headline. Emailed submissions will not be considered. There is no quantity or timeframe limit. Please write only one headline per comment. Entries will be accepted through Saturday, December 30, 2006. The decision of the judge will be final. A prize, valued at $20, will be awarded.

I got tagged and so I thought I'd tag you. Come over and see what I'm talking about but you probably already know what I'm talking about. I don't have a headline. Well, how about "Cheese?"
"Here's Lookin' at You, kid!"
"Caught With My Shutter Open!"
"Caucasians from Cracker-Land document there very first encounter of the ethical kind"
"Take a friggin' picture, why don't you?"
They started the shooting!
blaiq was here :)
They started it first!
'They said the chances of anything coming from Mars was a million to one, but here they are, complete with cameras.'
'Blair says "Sorry"; thousands gather to document the miraculous event.'
'King Kong is real.'
"one headline per comment." Whoops...sorry. Forgive me? :-)
"My Momma's gonna take my Kodachrome away..."
Hey, Good one, Steve! I like, Caught with my shutter open, too!
Britney Spear's 2007 comeback tour, titled "Don't look at my toot-toot" draws only a handful of onlookers at a local VFW hall in Spear's hometown.
"The first black resident of the town was shocked at the townsfolks' reaction to his arrival."
"Hey Kid - You're supposed to be filming his face!"
"Hey, no videos! If anyone heard the real Bush speak, we'd have an invasion!"
"Stop! Adults only for Bush's portrait- You want to destroy other kids'belief only Pinoccio has a nose like that?"
I am so not good at this and I think my mind is in the gutter because all I can think of is, " But Mom, I have never seen one this small! " ~M sorry....
'' camera malfunction lets flasher get away with murder''
Still like Janey and Steve's best!
"Feeding time at the zoo!"
I may have to defer to FIWA... Brittney and her Little Booger are tramping around jus' bout everywhere one can go to "see and be seen". FIWA is a Visionary.
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