Monday, March 12, 2007

Bovine Scatology

I have a friend who characterizes bovine scatology as the fertilizer of life. If you watched the news of late, there's certainly no shortage.

Before we get to that...

I had a thought pass through my mind. Actually it lingered for awhile. This was left behind when it came out the other ear.

What would happen, do you think, if you put the spirit of Hunter S. Thompson, Stephen Colbert's shtick and my blog into a blender?

The answer? The Adventures of Professor Smokey, Zen Master! To make the mix complete, though, there are a few other things you'll need to throw in the blender ~ mashed banana and strawberries, cream of coconut, rum, banana liqueur and crushed ice.

I'm really not at all sure what to say about this story. It came seemingly as filler to round out a segment before commercials on the nightly news. The FBI, according to an internal Justice Department report, is underreporting it's use of The Patriot Act to force businesses to turn over customer information.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has the power to independently pick and choose what is terror related and then pursue investigation. This puts the shenanigans of J. Edgar Hoover to shame!

Why is it that this, the most recent of Patriot Act abuses, is not a focus of attention among the citizens or the United States Congress? This is absolutely nuts!!

On a lighter note...

If I'm not mistaken, it wasn't too long ago that there was a transfer of responsibility for payment of pensions from the United States Postal Service to the Treasury. This, it was said, would allow for stable postal rates for years to come.

We're now facing another postage rate increase. The fact that the Post Office is adopting a "universal stamp" that can be used any time there's a rate increase makes it hard to believe more increases are not forthcoming. Meanwhile, there's talk about eliminating Saturday mail delivery and they're removing the blue mail boxes from the street.

Given the inefficiency of the system and the spiraling rates - not to discount employees going POSTAL - it maybe time to disband the post office all together.

From the WTF?! file...

The latest and greatest from the George W. Bush Saga, Blood On The Sand...

When the Commander In Chief chose to send another 22,000 to Iraq he, can you believe this?, underestimated the number that would be needed to get the job done. Now he's sending 4,400 more to serve in what he says will be a support role.

And finally...

How about this prick who punched out a 101-year-old woman for $33? Public stoning seems to mild to me. I'm thinking putting his "stones" in a deep fryer could be just punishment. Maybe a a prelim to the public stoning.

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