Sunday, at 11:59 p.m., is the deadline to submit a post for the next Gonzo Blog Carnival.. Authors Go GONZO!

The carnival is Monday, November 5
Your support of that carnival will be appreciated, and the next one!!

I'm hosting a FREE FOR ALL! Carnival
here on Tuesday, November 20.

---(-)-> You pick a post on any subject
---(-)-> You can submit one post for each of your blogs, however many you have
---(-)-> Only English language posts will be accepted
---(-)-> Entries are being accepted now; through noon, Nov. 19
Email your post to: kilroy60@gmail.com in the following format
---(-)-> Your name as you want it to appear
---(-)-> Blog Name and URL
---(-)-> Post Title and URL
These are the other carnivals I'm posting in during November...
---(-)-> Anything Goes And General News Carnival, hosted by Anything Goes And General News
Appearing on November 4
---(-)-> Bloggers Mardi Gras, hosted by D Kai Wilson's Writing Blog
Appearing November 5
The Path You Seek Leads to WOODY CREEK, COLORADO
Carnival of Corporate Vigilance, hosted by Corporate Vigilance
Appearing on November 4
Ice Milk Dairy
---(-)-> Carnival of Observations on Life, hosted by Anja Merrett
Appearing November 11
"100" ...One From The Kilroy File
---(-)-> Carnival of Political Punditry, hosted by I'm A Pundit Too
Appearing November 4
Make America Purple
---(-)-> Carnival of The Insanities, hosted by Dr. Sanity
Appearing November 4
From The Department of Legal Affairs
---(-)-> Carnival of the Liberals, hosted by Pollyticks
Appearing November 7
---(-)-> Personal Development and Happiness Carnival, hosted by The Next 45 Years
Appearing November 4
Things I Think I Learned... from YouDoItOurWay
---(-)-> Postie Carnival, hosted by Ramblings Of An Undisturbed Mind
Appearing November 12
My Most Recent Sunset Safari
---(-)-> The Wordpreneur Carnival, hosted by wordpreneur.com
Appearing on November 3
Posting Pay Per Post Posts
That's it for now...
1 comment:
Good lord, where do you find the time to do this, dude, or are you just super-organized!? ENVIOUS!
I'd love to be included in your Hitchhikers Guide!
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