I appeal to netizens around the globe to take action in support of returning humanity to Darfur.
Make today the day that you stand in support of stopping the genocide in Darfur. Make your voice heard, enlist those in your social network to help and ask them to do the same.
Begin by signing this petition. {Check out the petition sponsor}
The genocide occurring in the Darfur region of western Sudan began in 2004. Government troops and militia groups known as janjaweed sought to crush rebels who complained that the black residents of the region had been neglected by the Muslim central government.

The janjaweed is responsible for widespread killing of civilians; that with the support of the central government.
{Life is Darfur is no game. Could you survive?}

A May, 2007 New York Times article estimated that 200,000 had died and more than 2.5 million more were believed to have fled their homes in the face of atrocities and the destruction of villages.

Every day we allow this to continue, each and every one of us becomes less human.
Interventions intended to stop the genocide in Sudan have been weak and ineffective with little or no follow-through. It is up to us to demand that our individual governments act and that we push the United Nations to take action.
No governmental body in the world has shown it will do what is necessary to stop the genocide. If pressure is not applied, if it is not made clear to government officials that we are unwilling to accept their inaction nothing is going to change.

Regardless of whether you have expressed support for this cause in the past or not, let us stand together beginning today to become a force that governments can not ignore.
If you are signing on to support this cause feel free to write a comment on this post and include the URL where people can most easily connect with you.
Learn more about Darfur...
It beggars belief that the West and the free world can spend billions waging an illegal war on a country for its oil, yet can't lift a dime for the REAL victims...
Thank you for this excellent post. Thank you for your support. The citizens of Darfur need our help and support. Signing this petition is but one way people can help. There is still so much that can be done. Everyone can look at aid giving charities and give in so many ways. Don't do it out of shame. Do it because you know in your heart it is the right thing.
It is really hard to look at these images. Even our most needy citizens in the U.S. do not suffer like these. If we are citizens of the world, we must start caring more. Thanks.
No more business as usual for the movement working for Darfur. As we speak the genocide enters it's 6th year. We need creative out of the box ideas to bring more attention to the issue.
Check it: http://darfurguerrillaaction.blogspot.com/
We have all written to our representatives, signed the petitions, and even organized events - what we need is something that pushes this movement towards the masses...
Join us - poster your city, project images on buildings during rush hour, fast, think out of the box...
Become a DGAgent!
There is FAR to many in the world that suffer like this and what a wonderful post to bring knowledge to mankind. WAKE up world, there is so much more that we can be doing for others and why aren't we???
Oh, this is so sad... the pictures are difficult to look at. Thank you so much for caring and sharing :)
Excellent post! The situation in Dafur will go down as one of the worst, "Hey I could have had a V-8 moments," in mankind's history.
It takes courage to display graphic photos such as these. It hurts so much...surely it will awaken others to sign those petitions.
Thank you, Kilroy.
The United States of the World would care if there was something there it wanted. To bad there isnt oil in dem hills, then the government might have noticed a long time ago.
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