"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." Malcolm Forbes
Photograph by Kilroy_60

Blogiversary Commentathon
"319" of 365
24 Day Total
Commentathon Ended October 29
Commemorating 1-Year Blogiversary
"319" of 365
24 Day Total
Commentathon Ended October 29
Commemorating 1-Year Blogiversary
Rendering by Kilroy_60

The first day of the Commentathon there were zero comments. Yesterday {October 29} the "event" concluded with eight comments. In between, there were 311 comments on the mind droppings that spill forth in my little corner of the blogosphere. Thank you to all who "contributed". I can't express how I feel about what's happened the past three weeks at this moment. I will at a later time.
{October 27} I shuffled the list of Link Exchanges In The Blogosphere today. There were 5 deleted from the list. 4 new links were added.
Three days to go. There were 26 comments again yesterday {October 26}. Renovated the Sidebar; added a Kilroy ...The Best Of collection and posted a list of ...To Be Completed posts. I will note as each of those are updated and then finsihed.
Yesterday {October 25} there were 26 comments. I visited 15 of my link exchanges and wrote 38 comments.
15 comments yesterday {October 24} raised the total to 241. 25 comments per day over the next 5 rings up 365.
There were 19 comments yesterday {October 23}. I visited 10 from my link exchange list and wrote 30 comments. I should work my way through the remainder of the list today + Blogs of Note. I have some new links to add and some from the current list that I will be deleting.
Yesterday, {October 22} there were 28 comments. I managed to recreate the January and February postings from the original blogspot. Now, all my content from the past year {amost} is here. It's going to be a bit tedious transferring the comments. I appreciate the interest you have shown and the time spent to write the coments; so even if it takes awhile to get done I'm going to bring those along too. Details to follow on that one.
There were 13 comments yesterday {October 21} including one on the December post that I "transferred" from the original blogspot. Unfortunately, blogger.com was down for hours and I was unable to place the January and February posts here.
Yesterday {October 20} there were 22 comments. Which makes it all the more interesting to see how things go this weekend. I'll have the remainder of posts from the old blogspot recreated. Then, I'll be ready to start remodeling the sidebar. I'll look for word on what you think of the adjustments.
There were 18 comments yesterday {October 19} bringing the total to 144 with 10 days to go. 22 comments per day for the next 10 makes the "goal".
{October 19} Published October, 2005 and November, 2005 posts that appeared in original blogspot...Over the past two days, visited the remaining seven blogs with whom I've exchanged links, wrote 31 comments.
Yesterday {October 18} there were 13 comments
25 comments yesterday {October 14}! That lifts the 8 day total to 93 {of 365} with two weeks to go.
Yesterday {October 11} I visited 25 of the blogs with whom I exchange links and wrote 54 comments. A "reverse commentathon" you might say. Received nine more comments here.
There were more than 20 comments yesterday {October 9}; twice as many as there were the day before.
I value those who choose to visit my little corner of the blogosphere. Thanks to those who submitted {12} comments yesterday {October 8th}. A thought passed for just a second to provide recognition, links to the sites of those that commented. It would, though, provide an incentive to write comments in order to obtain a link. If content is not worthy of a comment to someone, I'd prefer they not.
Now that I've had my dosage of pretty pictures, I guess I'm ready to go back to the real world and continue my quest for beauty.
Thanks, Mr. Kilroy!
As always, I admire your renderings....is that a lighthouse I see?? I could use one of those right about now........considering I've lost the light of my full moon.....
Are you revamping the look of your blog or trying something different?
That lighthouse pic looks familiar. Is it a lighthouse on Cape Cod? I once visited all the lighthouses on Cape Cod on a vacation one year. It was beautiful and relaxing!
It has been about two months. I am so glad to have found you again and you may of course sign here as a Guest Columnist anytime you like. I am posting your link as we speak. I'm glad your still enjoying the site, it's been a little difficult to keep it up lately, but I am going to try with renewed force. I've been getting yelled at a lot :)
PS you can never write too much.
Count me as a comment!
You know you have so much on your site I hardly can keep up.
This is where I'd be if I were anywhere near Pittsburg on November 10!
I love light houses... This one seems out of place.
I think it is because of the parking spots in the front of the picture...
I love light houses and the idea of what they represent. The idea of being a light to the sailors welcoming them home.
Thanks for stopping by my pitiful blog today! I haven't been able to update because of "the novel" - I can't think of a set of words more pretensious than those, except maybe "Harold Bloom" - and I hope that none of you give up on me, especially you, Gonzo.
Hey, I just finished "Better than Sex (Gonzo p. 4)" and I was wondering if you've ever read it. I think I've asked it before, but I forget.
I must admit I am a coment whore and get totaly jonesed when I get more than 4 comments on one post. I have had a few post that have set me a blaze with the number of fwends but so many of them have since left the blogger world. I dont know these ppl but it is always a sad day when someone who comments on my blog leaves. But keep up the good work I will be back :-P
The Commentathon is an interesting idea. It seems like a good way to encourage people who read your blog but never comment to come out of hiding.
I look at all your page here.. and what beautiful photos, litographies, paintings I saw.. That is amazing! Thanks you for sharing all of your beauties with us.
Drive by Commenting! *BAM* Oooh, I notice "Red_Dirt_Girl" has an icon feating a Modigliani painting! Which I notice because I saw the exihibit of his work at the Royal Academy of Arts in London this past trip. Sweet.
Incidentally, I also like the RI quarter, but I especially love the Nevada one. Something about horses and girls, I suppose.
You have been very busy and spending much of your time getting back to people which is nice. People usually get back to you with a comment in return within a fairly short time. Thanks for your comments on mine! I'll never be as good as you are on this...I am very slow reading and typing!
The more you get around, the more comments you'll get. Also if you reply within the comment section to people I've found that to get more comments too.
You may generate more response if people know what the Commentathon is all about. It looks like an interesting idea.
You have a very entertaining blog. The writing is fresh and the pictures are fantastic.
I was originally guided this way by Mistress Regina and I appreciate her recommendation. She had a keen sense of what I like.
Happy Anniversary! The next year should be even better.
Strangely enough today marked my one year anniversary with my blog. I hadn't even thought about it until this morning. Guess I'm onto number two.
Many good tidings on your blogiversary! I've been perusing your site for awhile, but I thought I would say hello and contribute to the Commentathon! What a neat idea! I like exclamation points!
Wow! looks like you're gettin' there! Yah! All that work will pay off, you busy guy!
I like the quote. I have been guilty of behaving the way it describes.
Not sure how I missed this before - the pictures are great, especially the colors. Really vibrant - are you shooting medium format?
Glad I could do my part for the commentathon...
Let the Commentathon continue!!
{*uncorks champagne*}
The odd hobby of blogging... is it another symbol of a culture that loves to obsess on minutia?... or merely the 21st century version of journal-keeping (and occassionally, in some parts of the blogosphere, genuine journalism)?
Or does it simply give us something to keep ourselves occupied (better blogging than minesweeper) on the computer?
Probably a little bit of all of the above.
Personally, I do it almost a way to catalog my thoughts for posterity and (on the political front) to catalog a better history of this insane era of American history more fully than most in our media will bother to do.
Anyway, keep up the great work and help yourself to some champagne.
Blueduck has a wonderful idea, a glass of champagne would be perfect. With strawberries, I think. The "Commentathon" is an interesting idea; especially providing a meeting place for those who visit you.
Thanks to everyone who have written compliments on my various photographs, lithographs and renderings. When my computer comes back up where the software is loaded, I'll be able to answer some questions about the photographs.
I chose the photograph of a Cape Cod light because it reflected "renovation" with what I thought was a bit of a unique twist.
Mother of Invention, thank you for your comment(s) and your support. I do the best I can to get back to people; it's not something I do as well as I'd like. I like this "dialogue", hopefully I'll get more efficient at doing it.
Thanks Coach, you're right about providing a link so people know what the Commentathon is about. So many people write a comment on the first posting and leave.
Pleased that you came to visit, Eric, maybe you'll come back to make an additional contribution to the effort. {Does that make me a blogwhore, Honkie?}
o dear, I'm pleased I came up with an idea that brought you out of the woodwork. Happy that you have enjoyed your visits.
Some things in the sidebar are different, Pud, or soon will be. I do plan to adjust some things as I progress into the second year. At the moment, alot of the renovation involves moving from the old blogspot to the new.
Jinx, all any of us can do is the best we are able on any given day. I'm looking forward to hearing more about "the novel". I'm not connecting with that Thompson piece at the moment, my head is full of Bad Craziness!; suffice to say if I haven't I will and if I have I will again sooner or later.
Best to remember Honkie, you receive as you give. As Becky says, the more you get around the more visitors you'll have. So, I'll keep an eye out for more comments. 8-)
Queen, I appreciate you visiting again, even if you did write about more than one posting in a single comment. {laughing}
Great idea, blueduck, Cheers!
the patron saint of your blog, according to the Calendar of Saints is St. Mary of Edessa (a hermit) who is the patron saint to help you with sexual temptation. Maybe spending a lot of time on a blog helps with that, too.
I do think it's an interesting idea; by the way, I do know, from various sources including some of the techie news sites, that Blogger has been misbehaving lately. And I think Blogger has eaten comments; in fact I know a few I've left have disappeared from various blogs (and not deleted by the blog owner). So you may have received more comments than you know... I think all the comments I've left here recently appeared, but I'm not absolutely certain. Just so you have some idea what's happening.
nice dude.....let the madness continue!
This blog's pretty cool. I noticed you have an interesting audience. How does a person get on your list? Count me in!
Ah, now I'm getting the idea of what this is all about... I'm a bit of a blogging apprentice, having only been doing it just over a week now, but in that time I have asked friends and family to go have a look and say anything- anything at all- of how it comes over to them. Nothing! I ask them, 'did you see?' and they say 'yes...' I ask them, 'did you comment?' they say, 'ehmmmm, I meant to. I will another time...' Now, although there is no 'right', I guess there's a quest for validation when we start a blog - For me, I just wanted anyone, anywhere, to tell me they loved or hated what I put there. As long as it aroused some sort of reaction, I didn't care. Not one person I knew did that.
Instead, people from across the world, who I've never met, said 'hey, that's not bad!'
And, you know what? I'm no longer biting my nails that everyone out there thinks 'Not another bloody poetry site!'. If only one other person in the world thinks it's OK, then that's fine by me... And, Kilroy, thanks for being one other person!!!
BTW - When I went to your sister site this morning, and left comments, I had no idea of your 'Commentathon'!! I looked at the pictures you'd found, and thought ' Cool! Someone who has good taste in pictures'. Right enough, I was left wondering why, in particular, you'd chosen each picture, what your feeling behind each choice was... I felt that a sentence added would enhance the viewing (but maybe, for others, it would detract... )
Also, I had a destined date with a traffic jam on a motorway to London, so I didn't think I could do justice to this site, and left it until later... Later is now...
So, anyway, good luck with your Commentathon, and congratulations on your first year!
........(they're all just jealous)........the art of peace is medicine for a sick world......morihei ueshiba.
It is such a pleasure to see an idea unfold, spread outward, reach for the sun and succeed.........I have my bottle of sparkling California wine waiting,,,,,with fresh peach puree for a bellini or two or three....as the occasion calls for....(as you know I love all things peachy...!) Continued success on the commentathon, Kilroy - and thank you for your visit and comments at Red Dirt Girl.
If your're keeping this one on top for another week, it was good to add something new to keep it fresh. Looks like you just might make your goal.
Nice photographs, apt quotes and illuminating insights. Thanks.
Always happy to see you've stopped to say hello. Am returning the favor :) I liked the quote that started this post and the colors in the photo are magnificent. You are a much more proficient blogger than I to undertake such a huge project - good luck with it!
Comments make the day brighter. But you out do me in the numbers by far. I think I need to start commenting more to get more comments lol.
I admire your fortitude! I think the most comments I've ever made in one sitting/day is 18. Way to go, Kilroy!
Go for it Kilroy! you got more than the aimed-for 25 yesterday...
But, of course, i am not commenting, just for the sake of it. I wanted to say that I loved your new deer picture - the colours are kind of surreal, yet natural. In the local forest to me, I occassionally catch early-morning dear running away (or rather, I hear them, then see an ear moving at speed through the top of the undergrowth! :-) Never have they been stll enough to capture on film though - nice one!)
You're more than welcome to use the latest meme on my site, Kilroy. As a matter of fact, I officially tag you with this comment. [tag!] You're it!
As always, I appreciate your comments and your blog. Keep up the good work!
I am rooting for you to reach your Commenthon goal. By reading so many blogs and bring the blogger here you are creating a community, which I think is a wonderful and powerful thing.
I had no idea that you had 2 blogs! Your 'Good, Bad & Ugly' was linked the moment I found it & found myself immediately entertained! Good luck on your commentathon!
BTW~ Th last time I went camping I awoke to the same scene that you have pictured here... and some... two doe & about 4 fawn...simply magical!
I read the McDonald's story from below...Wow, man...Just wow. It's almost as good as the U.S. putting a fence across the border to Mexico, don't you think? And it will be half as successful.
The Wandering Author, Your support is motivating and your encouragement fuels my creativity. I'm always pleased to find what you have to share.
Aloha_50, Your blog is the first one I've seen where I thought a black background was the perfect choice. I must compliment you on your choices in celebrating the female form.
Annelisa, I'm pleased that we've connected; your new blog is outstanding. I would like to thank you also for your support of the Commentathon. I understand your point about having friends and family come to visit and receiving no comments. I was blogging for far too long in the same situation. I hope your links help bring more traffic.
red dirt girl, You have two interesting blogs. The Fantasy Shoe Days posts are quite something; you have excellent taste. Your poetry is thought provoking in so many ways. Thank you very much for your support of my Commentathon.
SkinnyLittleBlonde, I will be visiting you to write comments. I found so many interesting things when I looked over your site. I appreciate your support of "Things I Found In The Blogosphere"
Note To Self: I have been tagged by Miss Kitty - Post Response
Note To Visitors: If you comment on at least one other post in addition to commenting here, as many comment only on the first post, it would be appreciated in terms of the Commentathon. Most importantly, though, I want the comment to be based on the merit of the post.
Sounds like you are keeping up the rhythm, momentum, and enthusiasm!
Have I missed the end of the commentathon? Darn it, I thought I might get at least one more in! :-)
And it looks like you so nearly made it too - Well done Kilroy! Not only that, but you've opened the way for so many of us to exchange comments, and to be more participatory (well, little did you know it, but you couldn't have stopped me! :-))
The Commentthon is almost done. I sure hope you make your goal.
Congratulations on your Commentathon! You may not have reached your goal, but you achieved a phenomenal 319 posts in a very short period of time. That's a lot of time people spent, who cared about you, and wanted to help you out. Consider yourself blessed!!!!!
Looking forward to seeing your continuing template changes and the addition of the BLOG VILLAGE link.
I'm sorry that you didn't meet this goal. But if this is the goal that didn't get met this year, then you are in very good shape in deed. I hope that you make wonderful progress on your others.
I wrote something new and different today. Perhaps it too will make a difference.
Happy Anniversary, Kilroy! And a big well done! You achieved the barely-achievable (obviously it was achievable, or you wouldn't have achieved what you have achieved, but still, at one point, it didn't seem achievable, and therefore, what you have achieved is an achievement! Capiche? :-D
[Oh yes, and thanks for the complement about my blog being outstanding - well chuffed about that! :-)]
wow...so many comments!
Just wanted to drop in a wish you a Happy Blog- a- versary. Hope you stick around for another year.
Happy Anniversary!
It says something about your spirit when a deer allows you to get close enough to take its picture.
Michael Jackson says get down with you bad self with some wild turkey and jesus juice!
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