Thursday, February 15, 2007

Update On My Blog Shares' Gonzo Papers Stock

Even though I'm unable to play, The Gonzo Papers is a hot stock on the Blog Shares Fantasy Stock Market. Might there be a connection? It could be true that any publicity is good publicity, as long as they spell your name right.

When I last reported on the Gonzo Papers, stock was selling at B$227.31 a share.

Since then the number one player in the game - among more than 10,000 - Axa performed a hostile takeover, at a cost of B$589,703.30. {I'm still ranked 398th by the way - GONZO!!}

Axa's purchase of all public shares and some new incoming links have boosted both the price of the stock and the value. The Gonzo Papers is now selling for B$574.41 a share!!

This morning's Gonzo Papers stock report...

The chart shown above picks up with the stock where it left off in my last report. Clearly the addition of links has had a significant impact.

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